Sign Up Links
Snacks at Practice
Snack Sign-Up for Practices link.
Please be sure to send nut-free snacks, enough for 32 kids, and relatively healthy. We have students who are vegetarians, gluten free, and dairy free, so fruit or veg is something they can all eat. A GREAT idea is grapes (cut stems a little and wash), mini carrots, snap peas, or cuties and some cracker variety, or cheese sticks. There is plenty of filtered water here on campus. Thank you SO much for doing this. I believe it's the favorite part of practice for many students.
Shutterfly link for sharing pictures and videos.
Link to Percussion Club Calendar
Google Calendar
Union Middle School General Calendar
Links for Competition Days:
NCPA Dublin Sign Ups Feb 10th
Sign Up Genius to volunteer
Link to schedule
Snack Sign-Up for Practices link.
Please be sure to send nut-free snacks, enough for 32 kids, and relatively healthy. We have students who are vegetarians, gluten free, and dairy free, so fruit or veg is something they can all eat. A GREAT idea is grapes (cut stems a little and wash), mini carrots, snap peas, or cuties and some cracker variety, or cheese sticks. There is plenty of filtered water here on campus. Thank you SO much for doing this. I believe it's the favorite part of practice for many students.
Shutterfly link for sharing pictures and videos.
Link to Percussion Club Calendar
Google Calendar
Union Middle School General Calendar
Links for Competition Days:
NCPA Dublin Sign Ups Feb 10th
Sign Up Genius to volunteer
Link to schedule